Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Methods, data, analyses (mda) publishes research on all questions important to quantitative methods in the social sciences, with a special emphasis on survey methodology. mda is released online as open-access  journal. All content is freely available and can be distributed  without any restrictions, ensuring the free flow of information that is crucial for scientific progress. mda does not raise any publication fees.

We especially invite authors to submit articles extending the profession's knowledge on the science of surveys, be it on data collection, measurement, or data analysis and statistics. We also  welcome applied papers that deal with the use of quantitative methods in practice, the analysis of digital behavioural data, or that present the use of a particular state-of-the-art method using an example for  illustration.


Section Policies

Research Reports

We invite authors to submit articles extending the profession's knowledge on the science of surveys, be it on data collection, measurement, or data analysis and statistics. We also  welcome applied papers that deal with the use of quantitative methods in practice, with teaching quantitative methods, or that present the use of a particular state-of-the-art method using an example for  illustration. In spite of the focus on survey methodology we also encourage submissions on other important topics of social science research methods.

The total length of the manuscript shall not exceed 10.000 words.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Research Notes

Research notes should consist of no more than 6.000 words. We encourage researchers to submit smaller (experimental) studies to mda.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Field Reports

mda publishes descriptions of innovative fieldwork methods. Such studies typically have high informative value for persons implementing surveys, but lack the statistical complexities and academic rigor of usual articles in our field, among other reasons because innovative methods are seldom implemented as an experiment.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Abstracts for Special Issue on "Video Interviewing for Collecting Survey Data"

Please enter your abstracts for the Special Issue on Video Interviewing about here.

The abstract should be documenting the main research questions, design of the study, and proposed analyses (500 - 1000 words)

  • Fred Conrad
  • Gabriele Durrant
  • Tim Hanson
  • Andrew Hupp
Checked Open Submissions Unchecked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Full Papers for Special Issue on "Video Interviewing for Collecting Survey Data"

Please submit your full paper for the Special Issue on Video Interviewing in this section of the journal mda.

Please note that only papers whose abstracts for the Special Issue have been previously reviewed by the guest editors can be submitted here.


  • Fred Conrad
  • Gabriele Durrant
  • Tim Hanson
  • Andrew Hupp
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Full Papers for Special Issue on "Exploring the Methodological Choices, Challenges and Solutions for New Data"

Please submit your full paper for the Special Issue on New Data in this section of the journal mda.

Please note that only papers whose abstracts for the Special Issue have been previously reviewed by the guest editors can be submitted here.


  • Trent Buskirk
  • Rachel Gibson
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Abstracts for Special Issue on "Exploring the Methodological Choices, Challenges and Solutions in working with New Data"

Please enter your abstracts for the Special Issue on New Data Sources about here.

The abstract should be documenting the main research questions, design of the study, and proposed analyses (500 - 1000 words)

  • Trent Buskirk
  • Rachel Gibson
Checked Open Submissions Unchecked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Abstracts for Special Issue on Challenges in the Implementation of PIAAC Cycle 2

Please enter your abstracts for the Special Issue on PIAAC about here.

The abstract should be documenting the main research questions, design of the study, and proposed analyses (500 - 1000 words)

  • Silke Martin
  • Anouk Zabal
Checked Open Submissions Unchecked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Mda aims for a quick peer-review process. All papers submitted to mda will first be screened by the Associate Editor for general suitability and then double-blindly reviewed by at least two reviewers. The decision on publication is made by the Associate Editor based on the reviews.



Publication Frequency

mda has introduced OnlineFirst as service for authors and readers.


OnlineFirst means that manuscripts are published online when they are final reviewed. Without OnlineFirst, articles are published when the full issue is released. But this takes a lot of time, considering that mda only appears two times a year. Articles that are published OnlineFirst can be read and cited immediately. Therefore OnlineFirst is a great service, because authors don't have to wait for the full issue and new discoveries can impact the community much faster.

Citation when published OnlineFirst

Papers won't be able to be cited with volume or page number immediately when they are online, because then the full issue isn't released yet. However they will be given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). This number can be used to cite instead of volume and page number, just like the following example:

author names. article title. methods, data, analyses. prepublished month, year, DOI: 10.12758/mda.2020.08


Every article that is published OnlineFirst is assigned to an upcoming issue of mda. When the assigned issue is released the articles are given their volume and page numbers. It won't be possible to make any changes once a manuscript is published OnlineFirst. When the new issue is published the applied papers won't be found under the section OnlineFirst at our website anymore, but the issue they are released in. Also the papers can still be found using the DOI.

The mda appears in two issues (January, July) a year. All content is licensed using the creative commons attribution license (CC-BY).

Immediately after the online first publication of the contribution, authors have the right to upload the published mda version on their institutional website, or on academic social networks such as academia.edu or researchgate.com. This presupposes, however, that the contribution will neither be sold nor distributed commercially in any way. When the author chooses to upload his or her contribution onto academic social networks or an institutional homepage, the original place of publication must be referenced.


Open Access Policy

Methods, data, analyses (mda) publishes research on all questions important to quantitative methods, with a special emphasis on survey methodology. Mda is released online as open-access  journal. All content is freely available and can be distributed  without any restrictions, ensuring the free flow of information that is crucial for scientific progress. Of course, mda does not raise any publication fees.


Privacy policy

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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This journal's editorial team uses this data to guide its work in publishing and improving this journal. 

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Our details

The department "Knowledge Transfer", Team Publications, leads the journal management and production of mda. The department is part of the GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for  the Social Sciences, responsible in terms of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR), Art. 4 Clause 7. 

For further questions of liability, copyright and data protection please refer to the imprint of the GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for  the Social Sciences as well as the GESIS privacy policy.

We may update this privacy policy from time-to-time, particularly as technology changes. You can always check this page for the latest version.

Updated on May 24, 2018

Our data protection commissioner can be reached at datenschutz (@) gesis.org


Publication ethics and Malpractice statement

Publication ethics and Malpractice statement

Plagiarism and publication malpractice are still issues occurring when publishing research related articles. Mda (methods, data, analysis) is strictly against such practices and will take necessary measures to ensure that articles published through our Open-Journal System will not fall under these categories.

In the case that our publishers or editors are made aware of, or discover by themselves any allegation of research misconduct, mda retains the right to retract or correct articles if needed.


Please note: We are planning to check randomly selected texts by a suitable plagiarism software in the upcoming future.


Authors and Author responsibilities

There are no fees or charges for submitting a manuscript or having it published in mda.

All of our authors are obligated to participate in a peer review process, and it is important that all authors and co-authors actively participate in the research of their article and do so in an accurate and complete manner. Authors and co-authors are also personally responsible for the content of their articles and will uphold public responsibility for it. Authors also need to provide a list of their references and sources, as well as financial support.

One of our criteria for publishing in the mda is that articles have not been published in whole or in part anywhere else. If parts of other articles have been used, then they have to be properly disclosed as citation using quotation marks and giving the correct references. Furthermore, articles which have been published in other journals are not allowed, as well as articles using false or manipulated data. We do not encourage the use of false or manipulated data and want to help eliminate such actions.

These rules, as well as those in our Ethic Statement should not be violated or severe consequences will follow.

Editors, reviewers and journal managers are constantly and diligently investigating these stated criteria in every step of your publishing system, so that the articles in question will not be published in mda.

Every author who wishes to hand in a manuscript and publish an article in mda has to agree with this statement and declare that the policies of this journal will be upheld.

Responsibilities of the reviewers and editors 

The mda editorial board is responsible for the editorial process and reviews all submitted papers in a rigorous, fair and timely manner while abiding to our editorial policy.  

Upon submission, the mda managing editor initially assesses the general suitability of all documents and determines if a manuscript is eligible for peer review. If a manuscript has been approved by the managing editor, the editor in chief appoints and contacts an associate editor during the next stage of the editorial process. Each manuscript is then double-blindly reviewed by at least two reviewers appointed by the associate editor. Following the completion of the peer review process, the associate editor forwards a decision letter to the author, containing important information for required corrections. Mda retains the right to reject a manuscript if deemed necessary by the associate editor in a decision letter. 

All mda editors come from different backgrounds and are recognized experts in their field of expertise. 

Editorial Board

Our editorial board consists of the following experts:

Melanie Revilla (Editor-in-chief, Spain)

Ludwig Bothmann (Germany)

Carina Cornesse (Germany)

Edith DeLeeuw (The Netherlands)

Gabriele Durrant (United Kingdom)

Sabine Häder (Germany)

Jan Karem Höhne (Germany)

Peter Lugtig (The Netherlands)

Jochen Mayerl (Germany)

Gerry Nicolaas (United Kingdom)

Joseph Sakshaug (United Kingdom)

Emanuela Sala (Italy)

Matthias Schonlau (Canada)

Norbert Schwarz (United States)

Carsten Schwemmer (Germany)

Daniel Seddig (Germany)


Contact Information:

Dr. Barbara Felderer | Dr. Maximilian Linde

GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

PO Box 122155

D 68072 Mannheim


Email: mda@gesis.org



All rights remain with the author.

All content is licensed using the creative commons attribution license (CC-BY).

Ownership and Management

The department "Knowledge Transfer", Team Publications, leads the journal management and production of mda. The department is part of the GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences, responsible in terms of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR), Art. 4 Clause 7.


In the case of mda being discontinued, all data will remain on the OJS server of GESIS.